Published on: Tuesday November 14, 2023

In a landscape where our focus is fleeting and handheld gadgets dominate our lives, the emergence of short-form explainer animations as the primary force in the digital realm is undeniable.

These videos, succinct and attention-grabbing, are reshaping how we consume digital content. Their ability to swiftly captivate and retain interest in bite-sized portions has positioned them as the new norm in the digital space. Embracing this trend is now essential to bolster any content strategy. Here’s a concise overview of what constitutes short-form explainer animations.

The consensus among experts is clear: the most effective short explainers ranges from 60 seconds to 180 seconds. The optimal duration often depends on the content type and audience preferences. A key takeaway is this: shorter videos perform exceptionally well! Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts thrive on this type of animation, catering perfectly to our increasingly limited attention spans.

Advantages of Explainer Animations:
  1. Captivating Attention: Excelling at capturing and retaining viewer interest.
  2. Easy Consumption: Providing a quick, bite-sized experience, they’re perfect for on-the-go consumption, delivering information rapidly.
  3. Shareability: They’re easily shareable, sparking discussions and engagement among viewers, fostering a sense of community.
  4. Mobile Accessibility: Designed for mobile devices, their shorter length ensures quick loading and reduced data usage, making them accessible to more viewers.
Top tips when considering an explainer animation:
  • Align goals with your brand’s objectives.
  • Hook your audience from the get-go with compelling openings.
  • Maintain high-quality visuals for a positive brand representation.
  • Include clear Calls to Action (CTAs) for viewer engagement.
Ready to explore short-form animated content?

Short-form explainer animations currently reign supreme as the pinnacle of social media trends. Get in touch and we’ll help you embrace their potential; to enhance brand recognition, audience engagement, and expand your digital presence.

Take a look at our work here to see the kind of thing we could do for you.
