Our workflow process is transparent, efficient and proven.

How we work: Each member of the Studio Savage & Gray team will be involved with every stage of the project, bringing their combined experience together for maximum results.

Every build will be managed using a tried and tested methodology to ensure we deliver on both spec and budget.

Phase one – discover

Communication begins with listening.

During the scoping phase we listen, research and gather thoughts and feelings to find out as much as
we can about you and your target audience.

We get under the skin of your business so that the user interfaces and functionality we develop for you is fully in tune with what you want to achieve both on an information management and branding  / design perspective.

Jehu Desktop Website

Phase two – define

Development Planning

Having gathered information during the scoping stage, we develop our findings into the development framework:

  • identifying key post types that will be created to control and manage your content
  • create site plans and refine wireframe layouts
  • presented to the client for valued comment and feedback.
Eakin Surgical Desktop Website Development

Phase three – code and develop

Drawing on technical skills, we will then develop the layouts and functionality of the site, providing the solutions necessary for you to engage your audiences.

Our approach is not to produce quick fixes, but to design websites that are future proofed with flexibility to grow and evolve as the organisation evolves.

Coastal Housing Website - development by Savage and Gray

Phase four – delivery

Well-planned schedules ensure that we deliver projects on time, on budget and on spec.

We communicate with you throughout the process so that you always know where we are and how far we’ve got to go.

The website being live is not the end of the journey for us. We can deliver training so that in-house members of staff feel comfortable updating the website going forward.

Ambulance CPD Desktop Website