A site to presents the organisation’s annual review, including their strategy, annual facts and figures, statistics, charts and imagery.

Set up under the Care Standard Act 2000 as the first organisation to regulate the social care profession, The Care Council for Wales ensures the social care workforce in Wales is safe to practice; has the right skills and qualifications to work to a high professional standard and is attracting the right amount of people into its ranks to deliver quality care now and in the future.

Members of the Care Council, who govern the work of the organisation, represent many voices. Among others, they represent the views of the general public, people who use services, carers, workers, trade unions and employers. This ensures that all those groups are given a voice in setting standards and improving social care in Wales.

Savage and Gray were briefed to build a site that could present the organisation’s annual review, including their strategy, annual facts and figures, statistics, charts and imagery.

The site needed to display these elements as one cohesive entity, whilst also differentiating from each other.

Savage and Gray created hi-end functionality including secure CMS admin control with multi-department access. with animated graphs and charts to present the statistics in a fun and informative way.

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